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Image Processing

Face Detection

An implementation of digital image processing for Face Detection.




  • save below code to
import cv2
import sys

cascPath = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml";
faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascPath)

img = cv2.imread("../../lena.png")
gray =cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)    

faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(
  minSize=(30, 30),

# Draw a rectangle around the faces
for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
  cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2)



  • The result of single face detection
Original Single-Face Detection
r r
  • The result of multiple-face detection
Original Multiple-Face Detection
r r


Microsoft Azure Face API

  • It should be five-face but we got six-face from multiple-face detection.
  • It seems there is no this problem from Microsoft Azure Face API.
  • Gender also be distinguished by Microsoft Azure also.
Original Face Detection by Microsoft Azure
r r



  • Single-Face Detection: The JSON result of Microsoft Azure Face API
        "faceId": "ddb79f2d-3e55-4153-8d60-a51e81e85551",
        "faceRectangle": {
          "top": 131,
          "left": 126,
          "width": 97,
          "height": 97
        "faceAttributes": {
          "hair": {
            "bald": 0.0,
            "invisible": true,
            "hairColor": []
          "smile": 0.0,
          "headPose": {
            "pitch": 0.0,
            "roll": 0.1,
            "yaw": 30.4
          "gender": "female",
          "age": 25.0,
          "facialHair": {
            "moustache": 0.0,
            "beard": 0.0,
            "sideburns": 0.0
          "glasses": "NoGlasses",
          "makeup": {
            "eyeMakeup": true,
            "lipMakeup": true
          "emotion": {
            "anger": 0.0,
            "contempt": 0.0,
            "disgust": 0.0,
            "fear": 0.0,
            "happiness": 0.0,
            "neutral": 1.0,
            "sadness": 0.0,
            "surprise": 0.0
          "occlusion": {
            "foreheadOccluded": true,
            "eyeOccluded": false,
            "mouthOccluded": false
          "accessories": [
              "type": "headwear",
              "confidence": 0.97
          "blur": {
            "blurLevel": "low",
            "value": 0.11
          "exposure": {
            "exposureLevel": "goodExposure",
            "value": 0.58
          "noise": {
            "noiseLevel": "medium",
            "value": 0.4
        "faceLandmarks": {
          "pupilLeft": {
            "x": 153.9,
            "y": 155.0
          "pupilRight": {
            "x": 191.9,
            "y": 155.3
          "noseTip": {
            "x": 183.6,
            "y": 183.3
          "mouthLeft": {
            "x": 153.4,
            "y": 203.6
          "mouthRight": {
            "x": 187.1,
            "y": 204.5
          "eyebrowLeftOuter": {
            "x": 137.9,
            "y": 145.7
          "eyebrowLeftInner": {
            "x": 173.1,
            "y": 149.7
          "eyeLeftOuter": {
            "x": 147.2,
            "y": 155.9
          "eyeLeftTop": {
            "x": 156.2,
            "y": 151.4
          "eyeLeftBottom": {
            "x": 154.6,
            "y": 160.7
          "eyeLeftInner": {
            "x": 163.3,
            "y": 158.0
          "eyebrowRightInner": {
            "x": 187.4,
            "y": 149.2
          "eyebrowRightOuter": {
            "x": 207.9,
            "y": 144.6
          "eyeRightInner": {
            "x": 186.3,
            "y": 158.1
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            "x": 193.7,
            "y": 151.4
          "eyeRightBottom": {
            "x": 193.9,
            "y": 160.7
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            "x": 199.7,
            "y": 156.3
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            "x": 172.2,
            "y": 159.3
          "noseRootRight": {
            "x": 183.5,
            "y": 159.9
          "noseLeftAlarTop": {
            "x": 171.0,
            "y": 174.9
          "noseRightAlarTop": {
            "x": 187.1,
            "y": 174.6
          "noseLeftAlarOutTip": {
            "x": 166.7,
            "y": 185.9
          "noseRightAlarOutTip": {
            "x": 190.0,
            "y": 183.8
          "upperLipTop": {
            "x": 177.7,
            "y": 200.6
          "upperLipBottom": {
            "x": 176.2,
            "y": 204.5
          "underLipTop": {
            "x": 175.5,
            "y": 207.1
          "underLipBottom": {
            "x": 174.6,
            "y": 213.1
  • Multiple-Face Detection: The JSON result of Microsoft Azure Face API
        "faceId": "c2a726c1-1dcb-4a30-bd3b-ccb3615132c3",
        "faceRectangle": {
          "top": 896,
          "left": 801,
          "width": 110,
          "height": 110
        "faceAttributes": {
          "hair": {
            "bald": 0.0,
            "invisible": true,
            "hairColor": []
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          "headPose": {
            "pitch": 0.0,
            "roll": 2.8,
            "yaw": 11.4
          "gender": "male",
          "age": 25.0,
          "facialHair": {
            "moustache": 0.1,
            "beard": 0.1,
            "sideburns": 0.1
          "glasses": "ReadingGlasses",
          "makeup": {
            "eyeMakeup": false,
            "lipMakeup": false
          "emotion": {
            "anger": 0.0,
            "contempt": 0.0,
            "disgust": 0.0,
            "fear": 0.0,
            "happiness": 0.0,
            "neutral": 1.0,
            "sadness": 0.0,
            "surprise": 0.0
          "occlusion": {
            "foreheadOccluded": true,
            "eyeOccluded": false,
            "mouthOccluded": true
          "accessories": [
              "type": "glasses",
              "confidence": 0.99
              "type": "headwear",
              "confidence": 1.0
          "blur": {
            "blurLevel": "medium",
            "value": 0.67
          "exposure": {
            "exposureLevel": "goodExposure",
            "value": 0.65
          "noise": {
            "noiseLevel": "high",
            "value": 0.86
        "faceLandmarks": {
          "pupilLeft": {
            "x": 833.0,
            "y": 924.9
          "pupilRight": {
            "x": 881.3,
            "y": 926.8
          "noseTip": {
            "x": 859.9,
            "y": 953.7
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            "x": 832.0,
            "y": 976.2
          "mouthRight": {
            "x": 871.6,
            "y": 980.5
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            "x": 809.7,
            "y": 913.2
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            "x": 848.3,
            "y": 914.1
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            "x": 824.0,
            "y": 923.2
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            "x": 889.9,
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            "x": 873.4,
            "y": 957.7
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            "x": 855.2,
            "y": 975.0
          "upperLipBottom": {
            "x": 854.6,
            "y": 979.6
          "underLipTop": {
            "x": 854.6,
            "y": 980.4
          "underLipBottom": {
            "x": 854.1,
            "y": 987.1
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          "top": 396,
          "left": 172,
          "width": 106,
          "height": 106
        "faceAttributes": {
          "hair": {
            "bald": 0.1,
            "invisible": false,
            "hairColor": [
                "color": "black",
                "confidence": 1.0
                "color": "brown",
                "confidence": 0.93
                "color": "gray",
                "confidence": 0.53
                "color": "other",
                "confidence": 0.18
                "color": "blond",
                "confidence": 0.08
                "color": "red",
                "confidence": 0.01
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          "headPose": {
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            "yaw": 2.2
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          "age": 27.0,
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            "blurLevel": "high",
            "value": 0.96
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            "exposureLevel": "goodExposure",
            "value": 0.73
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            "value": 0.83
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          "noseRightAlarOutTip": {
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            "y": 454.6
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            "x": 224.7,
            "y": 467.4
          "upperLipBottom": {
            "x": 224.9,
            "y": 472.4
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            "x": 224.8,
            "y": 476.2
          "underLipBottom": {
            "x": 225.1,
            "y": 483.3
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          "top": 432,
          "left": 809,
          "width": 98,
          "height": 98
        "faceAttributes": {
          "hair": {
            "bald": 0.07,
            "invisible": false,
            "hairColor": [
                "color": "black",
                "confidence": 0.98
                "color": "brown",
                "confidence": 0.95
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                "confidence": 0.44
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                "confidence": 0.22
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                "confidence": 0.07
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                "confidence": 0.05
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          "noseRightAlarOutTip": {
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            "y": 560.6
          "upperLipBottom": {
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          "underLipTop": {
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            "x": 522.0,
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        "faceId": "c0a132fc-29cb-4262-8a58-fb138ff42994",
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                "color": "black",
                "confidence": 0.94
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                "confidence": 0.37
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                "confidence": 0.22
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                "confidence": 0.09
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                "confidence": 0.07
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          "headPose": {
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          "age": 28.0,
          "facialHair": {
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          "makeup": {
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            "sadness": 0.0,
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          "occlusion": {
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          "accessories": [],
          "blur": {
            "blurLevel": "high",
            "value": 1.0
          "exposure": {
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            "value": 0.77
          "noise": {
            "noiseLevel": "high",
            "value": 1.0
        "faceLandmarks": {
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          "pupilRight": {
            "x": 426.1,
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          "noseTip": {
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            "y": 386.4
          "mouthLeft": {
            "x": 385.7,
            "y": 408.4
          "mouthRight": {
            "x": 420.3,
            "y": 409.0
          "eyebrowLeftOuter": {
            "x": 365.9,
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          "eyebrowLeftInner": {
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            "y": 353.2
          "eyeLeftOuter": {
            "x": 375.9,
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          "eyeLeftTop": {
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            "y": 361.2
          "eyeLeftBottom": {
            "x": 384.1,
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          "eyeLeftInner": {
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            "x": 413.2,
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